Manufacturer of Market Leading Leak Test Equipment
Company Name
Innomatec - Leak testing solutions
Full Company Address
Sandy's Rd, Malvern WR14 1JJ, UK
Worcestershire, UK
Company Phone Number
+44 1684 584850
Company Email Address
Company Web Address
Open Times
Mon - Thursday
08:00 to 17:00
08:00 to 15:00
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About us
Every component is tested differently, with its own requirements, specifications, and test environment. Our standard and field-proven test modules allow you to meet these requirements. We make it easier to get the test you need.
Whether as a single module or integrated into your system, innomatec products are modular in design and ready to adapt to your application.
If it is conceivable, it is also feasible.
Every new inquiry spurs us on, every new challenge awakens our inventive spirit.
Our experience in a range of industries gives us an in-depth understanding of your specific requirements. Whether automotive, medical devices, household appliances or electric vehicles – we’ve earned the trust of renowned national and international manufacturers.
We also stock the largest inventory of Quick Connectors for Leak test systems.